the devil wears prada
the preview of the devil wears prada was brilliant:it introduced all the major players and set up the premise nicely.best of all,it was how the movie actually begins,so it didn't give away anything.fortunately,the movie itself matches the preview in both tone and substance,making prada an enjoyable experience.
andy (hathaway) moves to new york city to be a journalist,and her break might very well be working for runway,the ultimate fashion magazine in the world.well,not exactly what she sets out to do — she becomes the second assistant to miranda priestly (streep),the ultra-demanding editor-in-chief.her job involves doing miranda's errands such as picking up her dry-cleaning and coffee.besides,andy has no interest in fashion or office politics.immediately,she is a fish out of water.miranda's first assistant,emily (blunt),doesn't think much of andy either.miranda,however,thinks andy is smart (and 'fat') and different,somebody for her to groom.
frustrated with her demanding and unreasonable boss,andy seeks advice from nigel (tucci),who helps her transform into something that miranda could take more seriously.it works.as andy's confidence improves,her ambition to win miranda's trust and approval becomes stronger.she starts to cater to miranda's every need,ridiculous schedule and demand at the expense of her own personal life,jeopardizing her relationship with beau,nate (grenier).before she knows it,she's becoming more and more like miranda.
streep (the prairie home companion) has found a delicious role in miranda priestly.her portrayal of the ice queen is perfection,what with her dead glares and a voice that never rises above certain level and yet filled with barbs.you simply can't take your eyes off of her.in comparison,hathaway (brokeback mountain) is slight and obviously inexperienced.however,her genuine disposition and earnestness are very fetching,and her awkwardness around streep is actually an asset to the role.
blunt (irresistible) is perfectly cast as miranda's shallow but amiable first assistant,emily.she manages to turn in a fun and nuanced performance,showing us a nice,mean edge but also vulnerability.tucci (lucky number slevin) has a great time playing the flamboyant but kind art director,even though the character is rather stereotypical and one-dimensional.grenier (entourage) has a nice supporting role as andy's sweet and understanding boyfriend.baker (something new) plays christian thompson,a charming author with an ulterior motive.rounding out the cast are thoms (rent) and sommer (death 4 told) in minor roles as andy's best friends and conscience.
the script by mckenna (law of attraction) has a light and fluffy feel matching the tone of weisberger's best-selling semi-autobiographical novel.the devil wears prada is a satire,an exposé of the brutal and superficial world of fashion (and publishing) in the guise of a coming-of-age story.the observations are generally sharp and witty,but also superficial and cartoonish (the jabs at wafer-thin models or insecure fashion designers are trite) at times.the story itself isn't all that fresh,and is quite predictable.what is fun about the film is the subject matter and the character of miranda priestly.streep is a joy to watch.
director frankel (entourage,sex and the city) is mostly known for his television work.he instills a good sense of humor in this production,and the pace is impeccable.mostly,he seems to stay out of his actors' way and let them do their job.streep,for example,makes you believe that she is the devil incarnate but in fact,she is much of a slave herself to the real devil:fame,power and fortune.the question andy has to ask — 'who are you and what do you want in life?' — isn't really that deep or profound or earth-shattering.the good thing is that the film doesn't take itself too seriously.everything is handled in a tongue-in-cheek fashion.that makes it a devil of a good time.
stars:meryl streep,anne hathaway,emily blunt,stanley tucci,adrian grenier,tracie thoms,rich sommer,simon baker,daniel sunjata
director:david frankel
writers:aline brosh mckenna (based on lauren weisberger's novel)
distributor:20th century fox
mpaa rating:pg-13 for some sensuality
running time:109 minutes
yes,the acting was wonderful.hathaway and streep were great,and the chemistry between andy and emily really made you believe it.however,the end of the movie leaves you with an 'eh' feeling.you don't walk out feeling happy,scared,sentimental,or anything.to be honest,the plot seemed much like princess diaries for awhile,and then had an ethical twist at the end.and if you haven't read the book,you sit there wondering if nate is going to be mailing andy grilled cheese sandwiches from boston,as they both have jobs in different states.the biggest disappointment is the comprimising of values in that andy does not stick to who she is,and continues to dress in overpriced clothing--and loses a dress size when she is already very healthy looking.this movie makes anyone who is a size bigger than 6 feel fat and not worthy of nice clothing.overall,the acting was great,the morals were horrible,and the plot leaves you unfulfilled.i wish that this amazing cast would have chosen a better script.
to be yourself ---the devil wears prada
on the way to dream and happiness, how can wekeep our original purpose and innocence when facing the objection, others’ viewand the blind following environment, really make me think heavily. through that movie, we know that to be ajournalist, andy gave up her opportunity to go to stanford university and theoriginal purpose she went to runway being miranda’s assistant was help her openlots of door.
and at first she laughed at her colleague and kept her own style.her courage and innocence for her dream really make me respect on her. however, as a series of things happening, shechanged gradually. fashioned clothes made her acquaint lots of different people,serious attitude to work put her into an important position, meanwhile, busywork made her get distant with her friends and family. what’s worse, she evenforgot to write. i still remember that plot: when miranda’s call coming, shetried her best to get a flight for miranda, when getting off the taxi, she evenforgot her dear father.
when being pointed out of her change by her father, herfriends, her boyfriend and her colleague, “i have no choice” has become hermost powerful excuse.the more she devoted herself to her “beneficial” job, thefurther she’s away her close and her original dream. fortunately, she realizedher missingand was be herself at last. the dialogue between andy and nate“i turned myback on my friends and family and everything ibelieved in, and, that, that forwhat?”“for shoes and shirts and jackets and belts” which impresses me a lotshows off the losing of andy when she worked for miranda and also the losing ofmost people in modern society.
it’s wonderful to pursue our dream and happiness,however, in the materialistic age, wemay always be lost in money, power and glory. i believe that all the officialhope to serve public at first but as time goes on, some of them forget theirdream and become the one he ever hates deeply. we hope to live a happy life,but what a happy life means? harmony family, close friends, healthy body, goodincome, and what’s more, doing things you love. the problem is that when tryinghard to achieve those we are likely to be buried in the busy work for great incomeand power which seems to be the guarantee, getting away from our love, losingour health, suffering the pain from the boring and disgusting job. just like mirandainthis movie, resplendent and confident in public, but when it comes to herprivate life, the dragon lady is so tender and sensitive. what i talked above is not mean to criticizeanyone in that movie or any kind of people in real life. everyone has hischoice on the way of life, his own style of life and the pursuit of life. whateverhappens, to be yourself can always make you happy and enjoy the life, just likenate and nigel.
就是这么一部迪士尼电影,它唱出了真正的亲情,唱出了人与人之间真正的爱!let it go,让什么寒冷的冰雪都飘走吧,现在降临在世界上的,应该是暖暖的真爱!
许多人遇到喜欢的人的时候总喜欢用一见钟情这个成语来表达自己对对方的感觉,就像形容自己想要的生活状态时,大家都会用海子的“面朝大海,春暖花开”;形容自己一直在为当初的理想不懈努力时,大家都会用“不忘初心”这个词一样。我讨厌特别大众化的东西,流行的事物我一向不感兴趣,朋友们都给我推荐的电视剧我一定不会去看,因为我总感觉那样没有那种自己去探索,然后发现宝物时的满足感。并且我对一见钟情这个成语总是有种说不出来的感觉,莫名的就是喜欢不起来。一见钟情——感觉就像是因为对方仪表漂亮而喜欢对方一样,而每每谈及外貌时,总让人觉得十分肤浅,而怦然心动这个成语我觉得用来形容爱情正好。当你目光停留在这几个字上时,你的脑海中就会出现这样的画面, 男孩和女孩初次见面时目光交接,两个人的心头都仿佛小鹿一撞,心里都是这个念头:就是他(她)了,我喜欢这个男(女)孩,就是那闪闪发光的双眸,让我怦然心动。这个故事就是这么开始的,这是一个关于青春时代男孩女孩之间的初恋的故事,也是一个关于自我成长的探索之路的故事。
当遇到心理医生(忘记名了)后、他依然故意激怒医生、但他的医生深思后却没有放弃他、他跟小伟讲述他情同手足的战友离世的忧伤、妻子离世的场景…最后他明白书本与现实中的情感距离是巨大的!当小 伟从阴影中走出来时,他哭了、哭的很放荡!那一刻我哭了、曾经我被家人不理解时我哭了、哭到大脑麻木了,哭到眼睛看不见、全身没了知觉!那一刻仿佛上了天堂、如今这个时代有思想的人在那里都会显得异常!心中的思想总得不到释放、也许我应该去看心理医生!
《心灵捕手》,一举拿下1998 奥斯卡奖的最佳男配角、最佳原创剧本等多项大奖的作品,就是它让我感触良多。
这样,或许下一步你的人生会是美好的。我们要善于做自己的心灵捕手,放开自己的心扉 ,坦然面对一切。这样,我们会发现山还是那时的山,小桥流水也依然在。
这部电影之所以打动我,是因为剧情合理而有趣。尽管讲的是导师与天才的故事,但是强调的却是“等待天才的自我发掘与定位”。它不是简单的导师指明一条道路给天才的故事,而是导师如何触动天才学生对生活道路的自觉选择。一个麻省理工学院的数学教授,在他系上的公布栏写下一道他觉得十分困难的题目,希望他那些杰出的学生能解开答案,可是却无人能解。结果一个年轻的清洁工威尔却在下课打扫时,发现了这道数学题并轻易的解开这个难题。威尔是一个真正天才,他的数学天赋足以改变世界,可惜,和很多未经雕琢的天才一样,他有着很多的问题,打架滋事,叛逆不羁,甚至为此几乎入狱,为了帮助威尔回到正途,不再浪费他那非凡的天赋,经过教授和他的心理学家朋友西恩的不懈努力,威尔终于克服了童年的阴影,突破了影响他多年的心理障碍…… 这种导师与天才学生相互交往的过程,对双方都同样是触动。也同样给双方下一个阶段的生活都带来了改变,这是这部电影最值得一看的地方。
捕手是棒球中的一个位置,由英文的catcher而来,至今有很多引申含义,大意为能抓住某种东西的人。“心灵捕手”的确是形象、生动。别人都说教师是人类灵魂的工程师,按说我们教师应该是学生“心灵捕手”,应该走进学生、了解学生、理解学生,同样的也应用赏识的目光看待所教的学生,因为他们同样也是自己的孩子。对于学习有困难的学生,更多是要花费精力,找到他们的优点,不断给予肯定。正所谓“优点不说不得了,缺点少说逐渐少”。 影片中那位教师的赏识教育所得到的效果是值得我们深思的。所以我赞赏“赏识教育”。 赏识就是一种期待,而期待则是我们给成长中的学生最好的礼物。学生们会从这种期待中看到:自己得到了一份特别的爱和关注。这种爱和关注会使他们全身心地感到愉悦和激动,并充满了一种回报期待的欲望和勇气,而最终这种欲望和勇气又将产生怎样的奇迹,我们自己也难以预料。我的学生中有这样的一些需要关爱的有潜力的弱差生,我试着来做他们的欣赏者,关注者,友好者,给予他们力量,给予他们斗志,给予他们尊重,做他们如朋友一样的师长。一次写不对,讲给他听,报给他写。再不会,变一种形式来教他如何记忆,用谜语,用游戏,用手势……让他们能在成长中觉醒,从而有乐学的冲动,有爱学的激情,让他们幸福地学习。在经意与乐意之中,收获成功。
作为一名教师,每天面对几十名孩子,面对几十双充满渴望和期待的眼睛,我们的言行举止,我们的情感态度,无不深深影响着每一个孩子。当孩子犯错误或表现不佳的时候,严厉的批评,大声的斥责,换来的是孩子暂时的服从,表面的听话,但同时也在孩子的心中埋下了叛逆和怨恨。老师不仅没有转变孩子,实现自己的工作目标,反而伤害了孩子的心灵,伤害了师生感情,给今后的工作带来更大的麻烦。所以,全新的时代需要拥有全新观念的老师,全新的时代赋予“敬业”和“专业”全新的含义。教师是跟人打交道的工作,我们的工作对象是虽然年幼无知,但是也是有血有肉,有思想,有情感,有独特个性的孩子。这就更加要求我们关注孩子的内心世界和精神需求,激发他们对知识的热爱和渴求,培养他们积极进取奋发向上的意志品质远比传授知识更重要。我们要时时刻刻提醒自己,时时刻刻历练自己,用我们无限的爱心、耐心、细心和关心,尽可能使用鼓励或激励的的语言,为孩子也为自己创造美好的教育境界。 教育是充满着生机的鲜活的过程,是人与人心灵的相册和对话。教育是期待,教育是牵手,教育是澄明,教育是心动。教育里洋溢着微笑的面孔,教育里饱含着真情的问候。教育中涌动着生命之流,绽放着成长之花,展现着智慧之境,培植着理性之魂。教育陪伴着人们生长、生活,教育已成为人们生命中重要的组成部分。“教育是农业而不是工业。” 这是叶圣陶先生说过的另一句话。是啊,我们应该从儿童的天性出发,加以修剪、锻造、培养,使其朝各自健全的方向发展。我想,我们培养的人应该是这样的:当他离开学校的时候,对老师存有一份感激之心,对学校充满一种怀念之感,对学习保持一份自信之心,对生活更带一种热爱之情,对人生拥有一张理想之帆,对于困难,富有勇气,对于过错,勇于改正。
she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband eat.
such strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and considerate.she persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and as, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si beauty.she knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body cant bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the lifetime.
is really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this life.
in the whole book, i is a rui for the person that like most especially.he is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years constant.he wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si refused.he says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid of.his heart, die.when his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to come.he says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as well as others.ground is ground, return and dont go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that.
the story the main character is scarlett, i feel sorry for her, why she didnt feel the white reed for her love, always make others heart cold to reheat before she awakens, love this stuff is so wonderful when she comes, you cant control, you cant keep. but scarlett is the person i love, her character is a unity of contradiction. she wants to be like her mother a great lady style of the ladies, but follows his father not to stick at trifles, bold, bold, grumpy personality. is the blood flow of the contradictory blood made scarlett love dare, dare, dare, dare say hate, to what goal is to march forward courageously, use unscrupulous divisive tactics character. from the time point of view, scarlett could be recognized as' bad woman', she in order to achieve their purpose can use unscrupulous divisive tactics, her marriages fully illustrates this point, the first husband and wei xili angry, second husband to aid save his father for life and dignity to defend the farm, married reed white the purpose is not for love. but i think she had her charm, her emotion, love is so persistent, so hot, she passed the goal to march forward courageously, she loves her fathers farm, love of the beautiful red land, in order to defend the red land, she can like people like to work in the fields, can be like a man as in the polishing head face, she is hard-working, have a strong ability to adapt, the war broke out before, she was home. miss, in addition to play, she dont have to do anything. after the outbreak of war, the others each fall, only her stand up bravely led the people rebuild their homes, i admire her brave and strong. her love for wei xili is a without any distracting thoughts of love, in this materialistic age, her this kind of love is really not much, but she loved the wrong object, not the one is not worthy of her love love half alive.
scarlett life experience is difficult, but it s just in a difficult struggle spirit, it is this spirit that she repeated after difficults bravely stood up again and again. her heart is a kind of belief, she always think of her ancestors are not afraid of failure, even if defeated bite, they will take it leisurely and unoppressively calm abnormal, it is ancestral gave her the dauntlespirit be brave, scarlett looked up.
in all figures i appreciate and white reed, he is really a very good, very rare a good man, he thought, deep, emotional, passionate feelings, dedicated to love, he is a real men know how to love, but i felt for him., fail to respond to the love a collision of emotion spark. scarlett in such a long time actually has not been able to feel his love for her, love her own fictional character of wei xili, this is every man cant stand it, but reed white had long endured her betrayal, she refuse to realize ones error, this is how the mind can achieve this point.
the plot of the movie american civil war as the background, in fact' gone with the wind' is a virtual war is written, to write about the war s influence on human soul. in the specific context, personality distinct scarlett and reed white
that not to stick to one pattern, break through the tradition and moral restriction, in accordance with the economic and social choice and the need of the human nature to lapse in judgment is not and behavioral methods approach, is a manifestation of the spirit of the united states of america. scarlett beautiful appearance and in accordance with their human scale life determination, white reed is sullen and perspective on life, both in personality for generations of young people learning to be set to a particular stage of life.
at the end of the movie, is a monologue:' tomorrow back to tara after the planned it all! i can stand it! tomorrow, tomorrow, i will have to get him again! no matter what, tomorrow is another day!' what a touching words. ' i can bear everything' how tenacious spirit!' ill find a way to get him again' what a firm confidence!' no matter what, tomorrow is another day!' how optimistic attitude, how persistent belief!
as time goes by,the film “gone with the wind” is forgotten by most teenagers,but it’s still my favorite film.
i admire captain rett,he is really a gentleman,and really knows what’s true love.so smart,interesting,handsome and strong.most important is:he really knows how to protect and take care his wife:scarlet.
different from most other girls,i don’t like scarlet very much,not because of her selfish and cool,just because i really think she is a poor fool woman,though she is good at negotiating with customers and good at attracting guys,she even doesn’t know who’s her true love,doesn’t know rett is the one who really fit for her,i think that she doesn’t know herself at all,she is that kind of person who never like literatures,doesn’t have any romantic dreams.
that’s why she misunderstands herself loving ashley but it’s not true.
i think another problem lead to their divorce is short of communication.both of them are good at attracting others,so,for their experience and pride,they don’t like to show love to their partner,just pretend “i don’t love you”,and hope their partners shows his/her love at first.this kind of game only works for chasing each other and having fun,but when they marry,it will terminates their relationship upgrade.
so as time goes by,their love faded,their marriage became a tragedy.
'gone with the wind' is quite famous. the story happened during civil war. scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. before the war, her life was placid. but when the war broke out, her life changed totally. her husband died of disease, and she became a widow. however, she was different from other women. she couldn”t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time. just at that time, captain butler came into her life. they were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. scarlet had to feed the whole family, and this made her marble. later on, scarlet had her own factory, and was gradually disliked by many people because of her arrogance.
captain butler was very wealthy and charming as well. he loved scarlet, and before long, they got married.
on the other hand, scarlet had been loved by a man called ashley for a long time, but ashley had a wife, melanie, who was respected by everyone, except scarlet. even after she got married with butler, she still wanted ashley.
some time later, scarlet and captain butler had a daughter. this made butler become a kind father. but their daughter died. from then on, scarlet and butler quarreled much oftener than before. otherwise, when scarlet met ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made butler fly into a rage.
melanie fell sick and she was about to die. scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much. she also realized she didn”t really love ashley. but everything was too late. when she came back home, captain butler was leaving. her tears couldn”t do any help, and she could only watch him leave.
this story figured a lady who was fortitudinous. but the society made her play hard, and her personality was distorted. she only cared for money, and she didn”t care about other people”s feeling. when she finally regretted, butler”s patience had been deplenished.
in addition, scarlet had a tag, ' tomorrow is another day.' this showed that she was optimistic. when butler left her, she also said, 'tomorrow is another day.' this sentence gave her courage, and made her feel much better. maybe we should learn this point from her. no matter how difficult our life is, just face it optimistically, and tomorrow will be another day.
agam is an ordinary member of the us a stream of people, in a materialistic society, iq is only 75 but agam used a unique way of life has opened up new horizons. because of that love, that deep love in life.
because of love, the mothers true love for her son. haggard mother tried her best, and finally sent agam to the famous public school, mrs. gan silently do her mothers responsibility, let agam see the hope of life, understand the meaning of existence. although agam had no friends, he would never have that solitary feeling of loneliness because he had a mother who had always supported him. agam would not have that kind of emptiness that could not be found. with the support of mother love, agam ran into the primary school, ran into the university, ran into the mainland, and ran to the presidential palace.
because of love, agam did not change his love for jeanne in his eminence. in the face of jeannes hypocrisy and rebellion, agam still supports her feelings with love. no love but always the ideal setting for a couple in love, the hearts of the precipitation that feelings, but with jeanne wandering pace, traveled to the remotest corners of the globe. the clumsy agam would never say to jeanne, 'there is no desert in the world. every time i think of you, god drops a grain of sand, so he has sahara.''. but agam was persistent in jeanne when she passed with dishevelled hair and a dirty face, let the joy.
what is love? love is a silent promise, a commitment without regret, a burden without complaint. jeanne is unfortunate, she was born in a broken family, but jeanne is lucky, faithful agam has always taken care of her, wherever she is.
because of love, a love of life, agam and mrs. gump in their own life on the road of life with their interpretation of a true drama.
mrs. gump always made agam abide by 'stupid and stupid''. a mothers words of encouragement, so that agam with his life to fulfill the promise of life. agam is not a goalkeeper, nor the literati poet. his ordinary life is not too many twists and turns, can not afford to shake the waves of life, but moving people are often not earthshaking events, but the details of life.
agam is her sincerity, dutiful son of a loved one, true to friends, he will always be someone in the first place in their life, but forget yourself. this mind is not everyone can own, and only he, iq is only 75 of agam to have such an open-minded and selfless.
when i saw agam, i had to be moved by his spirit. what reflects from him is the truth of life and the truth of work.
agam, whose iq is not high, moves from an ordinary life to a peak in life. among them, through various difficulties, with their own courage, hard work, do not give up, won the ultimate success. just imagine, when we encounter difficulties in our work, when our business is not completed, how do we face it, is strong or give up? from agams body told us, must be strong, do not give up, and strive to overcome difficulties, everything is possible.
agam is very friendly and very emotional. he loves his mother very much. because of his success, his mother has paid a lot of effort, and finally rewarded his mother with excellent results, becoming the pride of his mother. he is very trustworthy, his comrade bubba died in the war, he completed bubbas wishes. life, work, we are not the same, treat everyone around you, and more to help others, pay, is a meaningful thing. we all work together, it is an honor to know how to cherish. since it is a family of classes, so we should help the people around, as we work together and build a beautiful homeland.
agam for life always keep optimistic attitude, the film from the beginning to the end, never saw agam angry fire. compared with agam, as long as i dont feel well in my work, i will write on my face and feel unlucky. we are lucky to get up with agambi, because our present conditions are much better than those of agam. our work during the year is our first priority, reflecting our values in our work. forget about the disappointments in your job and dont care what other people think of you. work hard and stay optimistic and calm. lucky god comes naturally.
he sees the strength of the team above everything else, even at the cost of his own life. in a war, he braved a hail of bullets rescued his comrades. lieutenant dan had survived, but the face of weakness, he was dead. the influence of agam in the final to regain self-confidence. in agam, i appreciate the deeper indian team, the team without you i no less, i thought you easily tired, the team is all positive, is full of joy and bitterness, pain, care and help, the other is a big family in the family.
opportunity waits for no man, and man must search for opportunity, and realize the value of life only by his own strong efforts. start from small things, from simple to start, learn from the advantages of agam, and work knot what, pay will have harvest. a simple smile to win the customers response, this is our harvest; with a sincere heart to communicate with customers, in exchange for the trust of customers is our harvest; for the customer recommendation for his business, the final customer choice is our harvest; customer satisfied is our harvest......
every time i watch a classic movie, i cant calm my mind. 'the true story of agam' in high school i had seen, but at that time there is no what special feeling, because they do not understand the meaning, to understand, just watch from the original already two years, i always feel heart slowly, a lot of harvest.
'there are a lot of similarities between the true story of agam' and 'the shawshank redemption', two films together into oscar, the most important is the former won the oscar prize, can only say that the two really hard to tell which is better, you can only see that can be closer to the theme set oscar awards is what, the two film i that is love, there is also 'rejuvenescent' i love so much.
about life, has been the object of discussion, in the end should be what kind of mentality to face their own life, but also everyone concerned about. ive heard people say that big movies in america are big problems. theyre all about the big picture. its really interesting to see these movies.
in agam, we see that you are a great success as long as you give god the best. in reality, such as agams character is of course not exist, but he gave us paint a good way: you can silly life, but you must be the center of the track, you must keep your promise, you want loyalty with your love, you have to take care of your friendship, you to respect the superiors. you may be able to do things without purpose. you can do it purely for one person. its a simple life, but its full of happiness because you know what you want.
its like the classic line in a movie: life is like chocolate. you never know what youre going to get.
life is full of miracles, as long as you dont give up your promise, as long as you can keep your faith, as long as you can put your feelings of all talk up, i think the value is enough, you can talk to fate, when you send to all may have been decreed by fate if you may become very cool. life may float in the sky like feathers, or fight with wind and rain, or choose to drift with the wind, or stoop...... what should my life be like?
after watching the film, i know i should be kind and the rain against that, but im not a symbol of too tired, really very numb sometimes, do not know their pursuit of what the ratio of, perhaps, i should not have what purpose to live, but can not choose without a purpose. life, that makes me feel so bitter. the best thing about it is that i can find the right place for my ambitions. i should curb my desires, think about the most beautiful place in the world and run......
agams life is legendary, simple life, seemingly silly but most people understand more than life, that is my pursuit of the greatly discerning and apprehending the calm, is seen in a busy time indifferent, maybe i still used and travel! the exhaustion of the journey filled my heart! very heavy.
every film, is not only bring us wonderful clips, but also one philosophy...
aos corps 'is one of america's children's film, looked after, gave people a visual feast, the 3 d effect eye-opening... is not only the delicate, on the vision and delicate story......
character was little macro likes robot, by his brother teddy was admitted to the united states institute of san francisco, and on the day of receiving the admission notice, sparked a fire suddenly, his brother teddy left for a professor to save the world, and in the macro feeling down, teddy is making clear - health adviser jumped out, the filled with high-tech city suffered a ? made
superheroes don’t always need to have six packs and cooldemeanors. they can also have a chubby face, a beer belly anda warm smile like the white inflatable healthcare robot baymax from disney’s oscar-winning 3-danimated film big hero 6.
based on a marvel comic, the film centers on 14-year-old robotics prodigy hiro hamada. after hisolder brother tadashi, who is a university student delving into robotics loses his life in a fire, the boyreprograms tadashi’s baymax into a fighting robot and forms a superhero team to investigate thetruth behind the tragic accident.
the biggest selling point of the movie is the super lovable and balloonish baymax. looking like awalking marshmallow and moving and speaking slowly, he is the movie’s star. although he mightnot look like the professional nurse he is, baymax serves as a reasonable and competent healthcarecompanion. in any case, hiro’s health condition, physically and psychologically, is always baymax’sfirst concern.
when hiro commands baymax to fight, something it doesn’t understand, the cute medical carerobot instead tilts his head and tenderly asks what would improve hiro’s mood, melting theaudience’s hearts.
most disney films start out with a feeling of impending doom. however, when trouble hits, ouremotional investment in the characters only increases. we don’t want to see the innocent robotbecome an instrument of revenge.
robot movies are not new and have provoked profound thoughts for ages. in 2004 sci-fi film i,robot, humanoid robots pose a fatal threat to humanity, and the 2009 animated film 9 opens withthe near extinction of human beings at the hands of robots. but big hero 6 chooses to tell a simplebut heartwarming story about the bond between humans and a robot.
the ending of the movie seems a bit predictable. when hiro’s possessed with thoughts of revenge,it is video clips of his brother that keep him from being swallowed by rage. some might say thistransformation comes too easily. but i’d rather believe family affection has this power. it’s love thatinspires the young, indifferent genius to start to care about people around him and the world,changing hiro into a true hero.
重点解析 key phrases/words
1. demeanors n. <正>;行为,举止,态度
2. impending doom 厄运来临
3. provoke v. 激起,挑起,煽动
4. family affection 亲情
beast corps what they thought of it
pneumatic robot 'great' open arms plump, macros, o to encircle the little boy tried to treatment for him 'broken heart' - almost certainly, when the beast corps after a worldwide release, hearts of the audience will be the picture of. aos corps 'a few days ago in tokyo film festival, a lot of people cried after watching.
it's really beyond my expectation. whether the aos corps 'this title, full of sense of fighting or 6' special skills 'friend set to save the city's story, is by all children + animated version of' avengers alliance 'or' galaxy convoy '. but in fact, which characterizes the ink and the emotion, are on average more than animation. this is not an ordinary family popcorn cartoons, it gives the audience emotional no less vibration sense of entertainment. in the acquisition of pixar, eight years later, disney's in the blood, also blended in pixar's genes.
this is a story between a dog and his host. the dog called hachi moved me to tears. this film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and appreciate.
this film tell the story in a simple, without big billows, but it touch people heat and soul. the college professor parker wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home, which take much annoyance to his wife cate. however, parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that cate is forced to relent and hachi becomes a devoted member of the family.
after several months, parker and hachi get along very well, they become partners. every morning, hachi accompanies parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return, becoming a regular fixture of hachi’s life.
however, every day is not sunday. one day, hachi become abnormal, he barked fiercely and didn’t want to see his host off. at last, hachi come to the station to see parker off with a ball between hachi’s tips, which cost parker mach time to train him but was failed. parker was so excited to see this, but this is his last to see hachi. he was dead because heart disease.
however, hachi persist in waiting for his host, day after day and year by year. hachi came to the station to wait his host in the day time and sleep under a discarded train at night. the dog’s discarded moved the people in the train and the people all over the world.
this story present a animal’s morality that human beings are ill needed. the dog give us a vividly lesson that we all have to loyal to our boss, loyal to our wife or husband, loyal to our family, loyal to our country.