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发布时间:2023-07-26 热度:47




a white feather dances in the wind with the music gradually from soft to strong.in the blue sky the feather shining brightly seems like an angle.how wonderful and peaceful the world is!the film 《forrest gump》 begins with the beautiful sence.it is a good start.at last,the feather appears again.it flies over the field,the house .it takes audiences to another magic world,and takes on a ture world to the audiences and stands for a miracle.

the film shows kindness,thankness,honest,serious,bravry and all of beautiful things in our souls.it tells the story by forrest gump himself.he sits on the chair by the road and tells his experiences in his past time to the persons who are waiting for the bus.they come and go,however forrest talking and talking.he doesn't mind what they are doing and how they are feeling .when i see the sences,i feel it risible.but this just accouts forrest is a clinging man.

forrest gump isn't a genius man.he is even thought a big fool.in all his childhood,otherboys look down upon him and ofen laugh at him.but his mother regards him as a normal child and tells him that he is the same as the other boys.

one day he finds that he could run fast like wind.after thathe begin to run without any reason. maybe he wants to escape from the unkind laughter and indignity.he may be a fool.but in the first he is a man.he has his own motions.he leads his life in his own ways and never complains anything and never gives up. because of this,he gets surprising upshots every time.he escapes from the fiece fight.he is saw by several presidents and gets his lover he loves so much.what a luckey dog he is!most people would think that they prefer to be a fool like gump.

the story is very interesting.in addition,there are some moving plots.

when he is a child,his mother wants to sent him to go to school.she goes to school to talk with the headmaster,and finally she success.anyone would clap for her.

when jeny leaves him,he loses his direction.at this time there is only running in his mind.he reminds running and running.we can feel that he is so sad.because he knows what love is.suddenly he says only a word:i want to go home.he is tired and needs a rest.home is always a bay for all of us.

his mother died finally,the people who loves him leaves him for ever.he sits next to his mother quietly.he thinks of his mother words:life is like a box of chocolates.you never know what you gonna get.maybe he can understand.

when he knows the little boy is his son,he is so nervous and afraid.what' is the child iq we can know he is kindness and unselfish.we believe that he would be a great father.





the review of les choristes i watched a french film called les choristes ,which was commend by my english teacher, last wednesday. i was deeply shocked by this story. it is a so good movie that it deserves everyone to watch,especially educators.

the story talked about a teacher called mr.matthew helped his problem students to be good persons by music, which he told students how to sing. during this process, there were so many interesting stories that showed mr. matthew’s greateducational insights. compared to the principal of the school,mr. matthew treaded students by heart, which exchanged for a good impression from students and teachers. he gave a chance to the student who made mistake and he liked to opened students’ heart using music.this was reason why he was a great teacher. in the end, when he left school, he received so many cards and his students sang the song to him. mr. matthew was a successful teacher.

this was a loving and moving movie. i knew a lot from it. we should learn to treat people by heartinstead of violence so that can we make a big different.


i believe that, at the very beginning, everyone was sure that one day his dream would come true by perseverance. however, with growing up, things are going to be more difficult and complex. sometimes, when you are coming to the fork of a road, the light at the end of a tunnel lost. then, people no longer have accesses to achieve what they wanted before. it is true for both the real life and the life in the movie les choristes. while, difficulties never stop brave guys seeking the true, the good and the beauty. to me, i always believe the beauty of glorious ideals and elevated minds.

clement mathieu was a musician with super talent, while it lacks scope for his ability since he was in french rural areas. one day, mathieu who failed to achieve his ambition, came to a school regarded as “the bottom of a pool” and found that boys living there have kinds of problems. to make matter worse, the headmaster was very indifferent. he was used to abuse his right to use corporal punishment frequently. monsieur mathieu began to try to change the situation. but, all of his ways turn out useless. finally, he turned to the music. he has found that those boys are interested in singing something, good or bad,or funny or relaxing. they just love singing. so he began to train them with professional method. i have to say that it really

is an amazing choir—boys sing beautiful and bright songs written by monsieur mathieu; they also managed to perform those songs perfectly. boys’ hearts seemed to be melted and purified by the power of music as well as monsieur mathieu’s patience. change was in the air of this “bottom of a pool”, and it was just a question of when. everything seemed so hopeful again. in the end, unfortunately, monsieur mathieu was fired by the mean headmaster in the name of an accident. on his way of leaving, there were lots of paper planes free falling from the window of classroom. they were from those boys. even though there were no names on paper planes, our dear teacher knew exactly who did that. at the same time, boys locked the angry headmaster out of the door and sang their song to say goodbye to their teacher.

therefore, i think it is the true essence of education as well as the true meaning of life. can we say that?

as for me, there is still someone like monsieur mathieu i really appreciate. they are teachers in my high school. of course, they needn’t rescue me from troubles as bad as those in the movie. but they actually taught me many crucial things—how to think, how to adhere to my principles and what kind of values i should keep. conspicuously, spiritual guides

for a teenager who were almost lost are definitely great. then, i guess this kind of good education is life-giving spring breeze and rain. besides, the beautiful heart stands for brilliance of humanity. no matter how dark the situation is, the great heart will always decorate the world and make lives different. 幽晦的“池塘之底”


“the chorus” is a movie you have seen many times before. cute, well-acted and utterly predictable, christophe barratier's feature debut delivers just what the advertising promises: a musician who has given up on fame takes a job as supervisor at a school for hard cases, and when he teaches the boys how to sing, they mellow out and begin to love him dearly.

fond d'etang, the name of the school run with iron fist by the stern rachin (francois berleand), translates as 'rock bottom,” but round-faced clement (gerard jugnot) holds on to his good cheer. his cuddly exterior betrays a warm intelligence--apparently he knows that he is in the kind of movie where a little art will certainly tame the teenage beasts, and so he sorts the boys by their voices and starts a choir.

all the necessary types are present in the classroom: the cute small kid, the brazen thieves and hormone-addled thugs, and of course the surprisingly talented teacher's pet (jean-baptiste maunier), from whose adult perspective the story is told. in the opening scene, we learn that he ends up in new york city as one of the 'greatest conductors in the world'--just to make sure that everybody knows right away that this story has a happy end.













最近上映的《功夫熊猫2》很火,于是,我便恳请妈妈带我去看。 我终于如愿以偿的观看了功夫熊猫2。

嘻嘻,一开场就很搞笑,两位迷恋功夫熊猫的兔子在门前陶醉的、崇拜的谈论着房间里面的功夫熊猫,而里面的几位大侠们,悠闲自在的比赛吃豆包,更好玩的是,螳螂一拍阿宝(功夫熊猫)的后背,豆包像连珠炮似的“发射”出去,不偏不倚正好打在悍娇虎的脸上,悍娇虎无奈的抹了一把脸上的口水。看到这里,所有人都捧腹大笑。阿宝还是阿宝,悍娇虎还是悍娇虎,在《功夫熊猫2》中,人物的性格、样子基本没有什么变化,该搞笑的搞笑,该冷静的冷静。虽说他们是大侠,但是在这两部电影中,大侠的可爱形象已经完完全全的呈现出来了。 还有一个镜头,是在最后,阿宝装作很帅的样子把火球推进了水里,要耍酷时却发现自己的手着火了,便急忙把手放进嘴巴里,仙鹤的那句话可真准哪,这只熊猫蠢得有点好玩儿,的确,阿宝很蠢,但是功夫熊猫很好玩儿。

虽说这部片子是外国的,但是其中有很多中国元素:比如烟花,比如剪纸,比如国宝熊猫,都是中国的文化。 我还发现了一个小小的瑕疵,带上3d眼镜看每个主角都很好看,但是要是仔细观察,最最重要的功夫熊猫表情很丰富,但是其他大侠的表情就只定格在悲伤、快乐、惊讶这几个模式中了。 不要迷恋功夫熊猫,功夫熊猫只是个传说!















